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Gun Dog Training
Tips & Techniques

Electronic collars, also known as e-collars or shock collars, are a popular tool for dog training. They work by emitting a mild electric shock to a dog's neck in response to a pre-determined behavior or command. While e-collars can be effective, it is important to use them appropriately and know ...
Read MoreElectronic collars, also known as e-collars or shock collars, are widely used as a training tool for dogs. While they can be effective in training, it is important to understand the appropriate age to start using them with a puppy and how to use them properly and safely. Factors to Consi...
Read MoreWhen we first started using our training collar, it was a game changer. I was actually shocked at how quickly it worked. I was also shocked at how quickly my dog forgot everything once that collar came off. Hopefully, we can learn from other’s mistakes and understand the process that must b...
Read MoreIf there is one sight that gives most of us chills down our spine is the sight of a dog on point. It’s bone chilling because it’s so instinctive and it’s exactly what you want your pointer to do. The dog feels the same way. When a dog is on point his heart races and his actual b...
Read MoreAs odd as it may seem, biting is actually a form of communication for dogs. However, when it comes to communicating with humans, biting should never be allowed and this is especially true for gundogs because their job out in the field requires control and a soft mouth which can’t be accompl...
Read MoreDog owners often complain that the professional trainer they hired didn’t do what they expected or that the trainer used a method they weren’t aware of and their dog isn’t responding to their own methods any longer. While sometimes this statement is true there are often times that the ...
Read MoreThere is nothing that melts our hearts more than those pleading sad eyes of a begging dog. Even though it is cute as a puppy, if it continues past the first few months, you will never forgive yourself. Why Does My Dog Beg? He’s NOT Even Hungry! It probably goes without...
Read MoreThe word "bark" can either have a positive effect on you or a negative effect depending upon your own personal situation. There are those that hate to hear any barking and those that don’t understand why anyone would want to stop their dog from barking. Both of these perspectives are understan...
Read MoreOne of the most important things to remember when hunting and training a gundog is that when your dog is healthy he will NOT know when to quit, meaning he will push himself to the brink of disaster if allowed to. Here are some tips to help avoid work related injuries. Slow and Steady...
Read MoreAs with all athletes, your gundog needs a routine training regimen. There are several components that should be included in your dog's routine that might be slightly different from the regular house or yard dog. Conditioning, training, and proper nutrition should all be incorporated into your ...
Read MoreTraining your dog to drop and deliver to your hand is important for training any hunting dog but it is an ESSENTIAL command for your retriever or bird dog. Even though teaching the drop is considered by many to be one of the last steps in the whole training process, it needs to be understood an...
Read MoreOne of the key principles for understanding your dog and for being a successful trainer is to educate yourself on how your dog actually learns. The earlier you understand the way your dog learns the better off you will be. Just like a young child learns from curiosity, so does your dog. The more...
Read MoreThe best way to figure out if you have what it takes to properly train your dog is to simply start. However, educating yourself beforehand and knowing what to expect can save you some frustration. For most dog owners the desire to train your own dog begins before you even bring your pup home from...
Read MoreTraining begins the day you bring your new pup home. There are many different standards for formal training that will vary from trainer to trainer. Formal training is necessary and serves a great purpose. However, if you begin your dog’s life with casual training during the off season or befor...
Read MoreWhen it comes to therapy dogs some of the top trainers agree that the Labrador Retriever and the Golden Retriever are at the top of the list. While most any breed can be used for therapy, typ...
Read MoreMost aggression in dogs could have been prevented if dealt with swiftly and early. Some dogs were just born to be at the head of the pack and even though domestication has bred out most of the wild behavior, wolf like aggression can still linger. Most puppy litters will have an alpha puppy that...
Read MoreFor many of us the opening day of dove season is a social hunt. For lots of folks I think opening day might be the only day they dove hunt all year. It is often associated with pig pickin’s (a Southern thing) and all sorts of other meals that bring people together. Again, it’s a celebratio...
Read MoreIt’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of the first year's hunt, however, now’s the time to go ahead and set the tone for a well behaved and well cared for hunting dog. For most states, the beginning of September marks not only the beginning of Mourning Dove season, but it also serves ...
Read MoreBefore you begin the process of training your dog or puppy, you will need some basic equipment to make the process easier for both you and your dog. Figuring out what works for you can be quite overwhelming when there are so many dog products available now. Rewards During the tr...
Read MoreTraining your dog can be a fun and enjoyable activity as long as you stick to a few basic do’s and don’ts. DON’T Don’t train your dog when you are under stress or if you are angry. If you are impatient with your dog he will know it and th...
Read MoreThe age of your dog can often affect how you should train him. The elements are the basically the same but, the process can be longer and more difficult. Follow these few simple tips and you will have a well trained older dog in no time. Patience: No ma...
Read MoreOne of your goals as a dog owner should be to help your dog become successful during his training. One of the main ways your dog secures his success and happiness is by pleasing you. Avoid Confusion: To avoid confusing your dog and make sure you are consistent. Any command or sp...
Read MoreWhether you training pointers, retrievers or any other kind of hunting dog you can benefit from using a check cord. Most trainers consider it the most important tool ...
Read MoreWhen you begin training your dog whether it is for obedience, retrieving or hunting, one thing remains the same, if you give, he will take. Developing a standard for each command will make all the difference. There is nothing quite as frustrating as having a dog who won’t listen or having a...
Read MoreGrowing up I have a vivid memory of my dad’s favorite hunting dog, King. He was mostly white and stood taller than all the other hounds in the pack. He was strong and stately and I guess that’s how he got his name, however, that isn’t the reason King stands out in my mind. King ...
Read MoreThere are numerous proven methods to train a Beagle to rabbit hunt. The best method is the one that you use and stick with. When it comes to training a beagle pup, start with the most determined pup because determination is the best quality in a Beagle and the most useful training tool. As with m...
Read MoreBark collars are excellent at correcting your dog’s nuisance barking but, let’s consider the bonus training benefits that come along with using a bark collar. The most distinguished hunting dogs have a few things in common, no matter the breed. They often stand out because they have a...
Read MoreTraining your dog to sit is more about teaching self control than anything else. Sit is a command that can pretty much be paired with most other commands once it is perfected but, can essentially be one of the last commands you teach, especially to a hunting dog. If you think about it, you don&rs...
Read MoreIt seems almost contradictory to correct a dog that suffers from anxiety with a training collar but, training with an e-collar can have a positively calming effect and can build trust between you and your dog. Whether you a...
Read MoreIf your dream of dog ownership has just been fulfilled you might be a little overwhelmed by what to do now that you have him home. You might ask how something so cute can do so much damage in such a short time. If you walked outside for 10 minutes and he destroyed your shoes or the rug or pretty ...
Read MoreHaving a new puppy is always exciting and fun. If you intend to take them hunting with you once hunting season starts, it's important to start training as soon as possible. Puppy retrieving should be a great experience for both you and your pup, and here’s how to get started. Stay ...
Read MoreHunting always comes sooner than you expect. In order to get your dog ready for hunting, remember to spend some time doing specific training. Here are some ways to prepare your dog for hunting using decoys, boats, and calls. Exercise Spend some time each day making your dog sit ...
Read MoreTraining any dog takes plenty of patience and commitment. However, these two things become even more important when you are training your hunting dog. This is the dog that will be not just a companion, but also a helper. You want to be sure that when you take them on a hunting trip, they know exa...
Read MoreDog training is not always as simple as it would sound. You have to not only find a technique that works but also be consistent in using that technique. In addition, you have to know whether or not the technique is actually working or if your dog is simply getting a treat out of the mix. Aside fr...
Read MoreAnimals are not necessarily instinctively social, though you may get lucky and find one that is. More often than not however, you will have to train your dog how to act and react when in the company of other animals and humans, especially if they are skittish. Whether you are socializing a puppy ...
Read MoreSeparation anxiety in dogs can come in several different forms and levels, just as it can in humans. This means that you may have to tackle your dog’s anxiety in a different way than your friend or neighbor had to tackle theirs. Fortunately, there are some basic tips, though, that may prove...
Read MoreAfter properly teaching the "stop" command, one of the next important steps in training your dog is to teach the down command. The down command is basically...
Read MoreGun training is very different from regular obedience training. It is critical that you teach it early because you can’t work backwards. Gun training isn’t a behavior issue it’s a part of introducing your hunting dog into an artificially engineered area of the hunting environmen...
Read MoreWhat exactly is prey drive? A sportdog that has a strong prey drive can easily be one of your strongest assets out in the field. Prey drive is defined as the instinctive and natural propensity to find, pursue and capture p...
Read MoreTo properly teach the stop command you must first realize the importance of this essential action. It is probably the most important command you can teach your dog whether he is a sport dog or just your family pet. The stop command, among many other uses, could save your dogs’ life.&n...
Read MoreConditioning your hunting dog for winter starts long before the cold weather begins. A well educated dog trainer doesn't wait until just before hunting season to get his dog into shape for the winter. In the intense heat of August most hunters are more focused on their dogs overheating, not freez...
Read MoreIf you just bought a new puppy or have an older dog that needs a safe and comfortable environment to call its own, then you should consider crate training your dog. Other than making a great bed for him to snuggle down in for the night, there are quite a few reasons dogs and their owners desire t...
Read MoreOne of the most important training objectives every dog owner should master is teaching your dog effective recall… In other words, to come when called. If you want your dog to have a safe off-leash experience he must have a reliable recall. For all of the obvious reasons, such as avoiding ...
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