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9 Common Training Collar Mistakes

When we first started using our training collar, it was a game changer. I was actually shocked at how quickly it worked. I was also shocked at how quickly my dog forgot everything once that collar came off. Hopefully, we can learn from other’s mistakes and understand the process that must be followed if you want the best possible results while using a training collar.
Using A Training Collar As A Quick Fix
A training collar is for training. That means repetition and work for you. One misconception that rises above all the others is that an e-collar is a quick fix-all. Although a training collar can fix a multitude of problems, it is still just a tool to be used for training. You can’t replace training with an e-collar. It still takes work and time from both you and your dog.
Long Daunting Training Sessions
On the other hand, sessions of training that drag on and on are not only unproductive, they can be detrimental. More frequent, shorter sessions are much more productive than long drawn out sessions that just bring about boredom and disappointment. If you force your dog to train beyond his attention span then you are actually working against yourself. A dog is much like a two year old child, an activity is super fun and exciting for about 5 minutes but after that, you must move on. Some training can go on longer but, you have to judge the effectiveness by your dog and his reactions.
Not Training Yourself First
Can you imagine a soldier showing up for battle with his gun in tow but never having been trained on how to use it? The same thing applies when using a training collar or training your dog in general. Research, read, and understand. Follow the instructions. A training collar is a training tool for both YOU and your dog. Too many times we are impatient and just want to see what it will do and we don’t take into consideration the backward steps we are taking by not preparing ourselves with information.
Misunderstanding The Purpose
One popular misconception about e-collars is that they are meant to hurt your dog. This is so far from the truth. A training collar, when used correctly is not cruel or painful. Studies have proven that not only is it more effective than the “newspaper method” it is also less threatening. A dog trained by striking is most likely scared of the striker or the object used to strike. A dog trained with static shock is not only happier but, is not taught to fear you or an object and that includes the training collar. E-collars create a strong confident personality whereas, striking a dog creates cowering and timidity.
Not Using The Correct Level of Correction
When using a training collar your main objective is to get your dog’s attention. You are not trying to scare him. Start with the lowest setting that gets his attention. Finding the perfect level of correction is simple when you follow instructions and understand the purpose of your collar. Here is a simple guide to help you find the correct level of correction for your situation: Finding The Perfect Level of Correction
Dependency On The Collar
If your dog is only listening when the collar is on then the problem isn’t the dog or the collar, the problem is more than likely that you have lower expectations when the collar is not on. If you are lazy and see your dog misbehaving but, it is too much trouble for you to enforce the rules without the collar then you will create a dog that is dependent on the collar and not on the command or the rules. It is not whether the collar is on or off, it is your reaction when the collar is on or off. Follow through whether the collar is available or not. Collars don’t train dogs, people do.
Replacing Your Relationship
A training collar does not replace relationship. Your relationship with your dog is the single most important tool you can use in training. A training collar will enhance your relationship if used properly but, it must never be used to replace the companionship that you develop by spending time getting to know your dog.
Unhealthy Comparing
One common problem we all have is the comparison game. It doesn’t matter if your dog is from the same bloodline or from different sides of the country, no two dogs are exactly the same. Don’t lower your expectations but, adjust your training to accommodate different personalities and needs.
Giving Up Too Quickly
As with anything worth doing, if you give up too quickly you lose. Don’t give up on your dog, your collar, or yourself. Hang in there, it is worth it.