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Navigating Our Buyer’s Guide

Choosing the right training collar can be overwhelming. The options sometimes seem confusing and can make you settle for a collar that might not be the absolute best one for you. Most of the time you know a little about what you need but, not necessarily which options can give you the best bang for your buck. If you start with our dog training collars buyer’s guide and work your way through the options you might make a better choice in the end.
Choose A Category
Simply start with the correct category. It is certainly possible that you will choose a collar from a different category but, starting with what you know can help to build your knowledge. Our categories are pretty simple: Family, Waterfowl, Upland, Hound, Tracking, Bark, Small and Fence. Most collars will overlap into more than one category so don’t worry if you feel like you could choose more than one category. Just choose the one that makes the most sense to begin with. For example, if you have a small family pet then you could narrow it down by choosing the “small” category instead of the “family” category. All of the small collars will be in the family category but, all of the family collars won’t be in the “small” category. Choosing “small” narrows it down to the best choices for your small dog.
Brand Information
After you choose your category but, before you click on it you might like to scroll down in the buyers guide in order to narrow your choices down even further. First, we have our trusted brands listed with a few facts about each one. If you are a brand loyal customer or if you want to learn a little about the brand there is a link to their website so you can gather as much information as you need to make the best choice. We believe in our brands and we want you to as well.
Modes and Options
If you continue further down the page we have descriptions of the different stimulation modes and other options available on different collars. Each mode is described to clear up confusion and to help you understand the capabilities of each system. It is important for you to have a clear idea of the stimulation modes and options available if you are going to utilize your training collar to it’s full potential.
Frequently Asked Questions
Right after the stimulation and option descriptions are a few of our frequently asked questions pertaining to training collars. Starting with the basic questions that you might need answered in order to decide whether buying a training collar is the right choice for you. Of course if you have other questions you are always welcome to email us by clicking our contact link button at the top of every page or call us at 1800-524-2428 we love to help you make the best choice. We want your training collar buying experience to be the very best it can be and encourage you to research and ask questions at any point in your search. We want you to end up with a training collar that meets or rather exceeds your expectations.