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Featured Gear
Reliable, durable, and field-proven gun dog supply products. Get your dog to the head of the pack with the field’s leading products.
The companionship of a dog is unlike any other. A dog's love is unconditional, and training a dog to become a part of the family is the most important thing one can focus on. We believe the foundations of dog training strengthen the bonds of a happy home and a happy hunt. A dog is always willing to please you, and if properly educated, dogs will always keep you in awe and in love with the great outdoors. We invite you to transform your dog in to a sporting dog pro. To us, a dog makes the world go round.
We aim to provide you and your dog with the best in training collars, accessories, and supplies, present that information in a format that’s easy to navigate, and connect you with personal customer service, to ultimately create the best outdoor experience for you and your dog. We are a knowledgeable and experienced family owned company that appreciates the role your dog plays in the enrichment of the outdoors, as well as the family members our dog becomes at home.
We tend to categorize our training collars in one or more ways; Upland dog, Waterfowl dog, Hound Hunting dog, or Family dog. Within these categories we place the best or most appropriate training collar products to help refine your search and to match the best tool for your specific dog, including links to additional tools or supplies that may apply. As you navigate our menu above, you’ll see these categories reflected throughout our site. In addition, you’ll also see categories specific to bark collars and dog tracking collars. These are common areas we often get questions about, so we try to give additional information to help guide you. Containment fences are also a necessity for all dog owners because we want to protect them and keep our dog safe. We offer Underground, Wireless, and GPS dog containment fences as well as any additional supplies you may need to install or maintain them. Last but not least, we recognize that a small dog is still a dog. In a big dog world it’s tough to find products and supplies tailored to our small friends, so we make an effort to connect you with those appropriate products as well.
“Tough Gear for Tough Dogs” carries more than one meaning. We have used and tested our dog training products and supplies, and we stand behind them. We believe they will keep up with the demanding situations and the harsh elements your hard working dog will put them through. We also believe there are “tough” dogs to train or “tough” hurdles to overcome during this process. Discipline is the key to what a dog is capable of becoming. It’s during these teachable moments that we make a connection with our dog. It brings your dog closer to family, and the benefit of that connection is invaluable. The payoff is the quality of the experience in the field, and the affirmation of that quality experience in the home.
Other supplies you’ll find on our site include dog collars and leads, dog jackets and vests, and a few miscellaneous hard to find items. You’ll also find a full range of dog crates, kennels, and other training supplies to complete the needs of any good dog.
We’re at your service, and we’re more than happy to help you locate the dog training supplies specific to your situation. Our site is here to allow you choices including the best products in the industry and save you time by giving accurate and up to date information to help in your decision as you search though the best hunting dog collars. Our exceptional customer service is available to help you with any questions or any issues you may have regarding the purchase, use, or return of any item. We guarantee any and all of our dog training collars and supplies. Please feel free to contact us anytime. We’re here to help both you and your dog.
and the Sporting Dog Pro Family and Staff
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